Protecting gas meters since 2004

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!"

Protecting gas meters from snow and ice is serious business.

Protecting our workers and the

public, utilizing preventive devices is our priority.

  • Did you know that your Gas Company requires you to keep your meter free and clear from ice and snow at all times? This is where we come in.
  • We work with your Gas Utility Co. to provide solutions to snow and ice protection.
  • If you are someone who faces these issues every winter, and has had a loss of service as a result of their meter being buried or damaged, please contact us!

Free Consultations

If you have any questions about our products, services, or any general inquiries, please send us an email and one of our experienced staff will be glad to assist you.

Email Us


Since 2004, we've developed a line of products that have been widely used across the Northwest and have protected thousands of homes from snowy and icy conditions, as well as prevent those dangerous late-night service calls due to loss of service.


We specialize in the development and installation of gas utiltiy protection products for the home and commercial applications.

We have seen just about everything.

These are some of the
notable measures that have been taken to protect gas meters.

See our installs


PlastiPanel Shelters are freestanding, lightweight and extremely durable.

Specifically designed to prevent damage to gas meters from falling ice, snow or other incidental impacts.

Cost Saving

Snow shelters can save on overtime man hours in the field. Pennies per day in cost over the life of the shelter.  Shielding gas meter components can extend the equipment life cycle. Less repairs, less interruptions results in reduced service calls and increased savings. 


PlastiPanel shelters are GTI tested independent, made in the U.S.A and are comprised of resilient, non corrosive materials that last for decades.